Sunday, December 9, 2012

Xin Zhao OP Jungle Guide For League Of Legends (S3)

Xin Zhao Jungle clearing Speed: 4:14 Mins

Xin Zhao is an assassin type jungler, if you play him correctly you can easily carry your team to victory by mid game. Xin Zhao falls off the curve by late game due to armor built by opponents' tanky DPS & GA by AD.

Xin Zhao complete jungling route = Wolf -> Blue -> Wraith -> Red -> Golem -> Wraith You should be at lvl 4 by completing the above jungling route.

For aggressive ganking play, you should begin your first gank at level 2, you must first evaluate which lane provides the best chance of success for ganking. For instance, if your top lane uses a tanky hero with little damage output and have no ignite. And the enemy bot lane has tier 1 CC supports. It's best that you complete your jungling route to reach lvl 4 as fast as possible. If there is an opening chance @ top when you reach lvl 2, you should ask your top lane hero to bait for fight and then jump in with your E to get first blood.

@ blue side, start @ blue to gank top @ lvl 2. You should up Q and then E first, ask your teammates for a leash.

@ Purple side, start @ red to gank top @ lvl 2. Same as above.

If your top side chooses a defensive hero without ignite. Evaluate bot side for ganking opportunity. After your first gank at top or bot. You should immediately evaluate whether there is a ganking opportunity at mid or else head back to your jungle for more minion farm.

Favorite XZ jungling items -> Ninja Tabi ( Or Mercury Thread against heavy AP team) + Wriggle + Frozen Mallet + Black Cleaver

Alternative Items to consider

Vs Strong AP : Consider getting Maw Of The Malmortius after Frozen Mallet

Vs Heavy CC team : Consider getting Quicksilver Sash after FM, and upgrade it to Mercurial Scimitar later. Quicksilver Sash provides 45 Magic assistance, and remove all debuffs upon activation.

Xin Zhao Jungle Masteries

Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Q of Attack Damage.

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