Monday, December 24, 2012

League Of Legends Champion Jungle Clearing Speed, Sustainability, Statistic And Analysis

Sort by Jungling Clearing Speed (All done without leasing)
The King Of Jungling Speed = Dr Mundo
Hero Time completed min sec Jungling speed score pre lvl 4 Health pot used Health left Sustain score pre lvl 4 Pre level 6 gank Post level 6 gank Ganking score Junglebility 1 Junglebility 2
Dr Mundo 3.450 3.00 27 100.0 5 141 3.8 15 25 40 51.9 47.9
Zed 3.617 3.00 37 87.0 5 96 0.4 20 20 40 43.7 42.5
Skarner 3.700 3.00 42 80.5 5 572 36.2 0 20 20 58.4 45.6
Shyvana 3.717 3.00 43 79.2 5 91 0.0 10 10 20 39.6 33.1
Maokai 3.733 3.00 44 77.9 5 357 20.0 50 50 100 49.0 66.6
Sejuani 3.767 3.00 46 75.3 5 154 4.7 15 45 60 40.0 46.7
Noctune 3.783 3.00 47 74.0 5 383 22.0 30 40 70 48.0 55.3
Hecarim 3.783 3.00 47 74.0 5 218 9.6 25 55 80 41.8 54.5
Olaf 3.800 3.00 48 72.7 5 273 13.7 15 25 40 43.2 42.1
Darius 3.800 3.00 48 72.7 5 216 9.4 20 20 40 41.1 40.7
Udyr 3.850 3.00 51 68.8 4 514 43.1 35 35 70 56.0 60.6
Master Yi 3.867 3.00 52 67.5 5 222 9.9 20 30 50 38.7 42.5
Trundle 3.883 3.00 53 66.2 4 601 49.7 25 25 50 57.9 55.3
Lee sin 3.883 3.00 53 66.2 5 257 12.5 35 50 85 39.4 54.6
Amumu 3.950 3.00 57 61.0 5 222 9.9 20 50 70 35.4 47.0
Elise 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 3 633 63.4 40 40 80 61.5 67.7
Shaco 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 4 574 47.6 35 35 70 53.7 59.1
Evelynn 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 5 94 0.2 25 45 70 30.0 43.3
Diana 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 4 439 37.5 10 30 40 48.6 45.7
Renekton 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 5 135 3.3 20 20 40 31.5 34.3
Rammus 4.000 4.00 0 57.1 5 130 2.9 30 30 60 30.0 40.0
Khazix 4.017 4.00 1 55.8 5 223 9.9 20 30 50 32.9 38.6
Riven 4.050 4.00 3 53.2 5 233 10.7 40 40 80 32.0 48.0
Tryndamere 4.050 4.00 3 53.2 5 417 24.5 20 20 40 38.9 39.3
Wukong 4.067 4.00 4 51.9 5 196 7.9 20 50 70 29.9 43.3
Jarvan IV 4.083 4.00 5 50.6 5 291 15.0 40 60 100 32.8 55.2
Vi 4.083 4.00 5 50.6 5 239 11.1 15 35 50 30.9 37.3
Xin Zhao 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 4 360 31.5 50 50 100 39.8 59.9
Chogath 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 5 352 19.6 35 35 70 33.8 45.9
Rengar 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 5 132 3.1 20 35 55 25.6 35.4
Jax 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 267 13.2 40 50 90 28.7 49.1
Gankplank 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 415 24.4 25 50 75 34.3 47.8
Malphite 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 241 11.3 15 50 65 27.7 40.1
Nautilus 4.200 4.00 12 41.5 5 471 28.6 40 60 100 35.1 56.7
Alistar 4.217 4.00 13 40.2 4 451 38.4 35 35 70 39.3 49.5
Sion 4.217 4.00 13 40.2 4 610 50.3 20 20 40 45.3 43.5
Yorick 4.250 4.00 15 37.6 3 761 73.0 15 15 30 55.3 46.9
Fiora 4.283 4.00 17 35.0 5 128 2.8 35 35 70 18.9 35.9
Fiddlestick 4.300 4.00 18 33.7 1 588 82.5 35 35 70 58.1 62.1
Zyra 4.300 4.00 18 33.7 5 185 7.1 20 50 70 20.4 36.9
Nasus 4.317 4.00 19 32.4 4 454 38.6 15 15 30 35.5 33.7
Poppy 4.317 4.00 19 32.4 5 191 7.5 30 30 60 20.0 33.3
Pantheon 4.333 4.00 20 31.2 5 119 2.1 40 60 100 16.6 44.4
Fizz 4.333 4.00 20 31.2 5 258 12.6 0 35 35 21.9 26.2
Malhazar 4.350 4.00 21 29.9 5 336 18.4 15 35 50 24.1 32.8
Soraka 4.400 4.00 24 26.0 5 229 10.4 15 15 30 18.2 22.1
Nunu 4.433 4.00 26 23.4 3 746 71.9 15 40 55 47.6 50.1
Warwick 4.450 4.00 27 22.1 1 820 100.0 10 30 40 61.0 54.0
Volibear 4.483 4.00 29 19.5 5 550 34.5 45 45 90 27.0 28.0
Shen 4.517 4.00 31 16.9 5 570 36.0 20 40 60 26.5 37.6
Irelia 4.517 4.00 31 16.9 5 292 15.1 40 40 80 16.0 37.3
Taric 4.600 4.00 36 10.4 5 453 27.2 20 20 40 18.8 25.9
Teemo 4.733 4.00 44 0.0 5 196 7.9 0 0 0 3.9 2.6

Sort By Sustainability
King Of Jungling sustainability : Warwick
Hero Time completed min sec Jungling speed score pre lvl 4 Health pot used Health left Sustain score pre lvl 4 Pre level 6 gank Post level 6 gank Ganking score Junglebility 1 Junglebility 2
Warwick 4.45 4 27 22.1 1 820 100 10 30 40 61 54
Fiddlestick 4.3 4 18 33.7 1 588 82.5 35 35 70 58.1 62.1
Yorick 4.25 4 15 37.6 3 761 73 15 15 30 55.3 46.9
Nunu 4.433 4 26 23.4 3 746 71.9 15 40 55 47.6 50.1
Elise 3.967 3 58 59.7 3 633 63.4 40 40 80 61.5 67.7
Sion 4.217 4 13 40.2 4 610 50.3 20 20 40 45.3 43.5
Trundle 3.883 3 53 66.2 4 601 49.7 25 25 50 57.9 55.3
Shaco 3.967 3 58 59.7 4 574 47.6 35 35 70 53.7 59.1
Udyr 3.85 3 51 68.8 4 514 43.1 35 35 70 56 60.6
Nasus 4.317 4 19 32.4 4 454 38.6 15 15 30 35.5 33.7
Alistar 4.217 4 13 40.2 4 451 38.4 35 35 70 39.3 49.5
Diana 3.967 3 58 59.7 4 439 37.5 10 30 30 48.6 45.7
Skarner 3.7 3 42 80.5 5 572 36.2 0 20 20 58.4 45.6
Shen 4.517 4 31 16.9 5 570 36 20 40 60 26.5 37.6
Volibear 4.483 4 29 19.5 5 550 34.5 45 45 90 27 28
Xin Zhao 4.117 4 7 48 4 360 31.5 50 50 100 39.8 59.9
Nautilus 4.2 4 12 41.5 5 471 28.6 40 60 100 35.1 56.7
Taric 4.6 4 36 10.4 5 453 27.2 20 20 40 18.8 25.9
Tryndamere 4.05 4 3 53.2 5 417 24.5 20 20 40 38.9 39.3
Gankplank 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 415 24.4 25 50 75 34.3 47.8
Noctune 3.783 3 47 74 5 383 22 30 40 70 48 55.3
Maokai 3.733 3 44 77.9 5 357 20 50 50 100 49 66
Chogath 4.117 4 7 48 5 352 19.6 35 35 70 33.8 45.9
Malhazar 4.35 4 21 29.9 5 336 18.4 15 35 50 24.1 32.8
Irelia 4.517 4 31 16.9 5 292 15.1 40 40 80 16 37.3
Jarvan IV 4.083 4 5 50.6 5 291 15 40 60 100 32.8 55.2
Olaf 3.8 3 48 72.7 5 273 13.7 15 25 40 43.2 42.1
Jax 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 267 13.2 40 50 90 28.7 49.1
Fizz 4.333 4 20 31.2 5 258 12.6 0 35 35 21.9 26.2
Lee sin 3.883 3 53 66.2 5 257 12.5 35 50 85 39.4 54.6
Malphite 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 241 11.3 15 50 65 27.7 40.1
Vi 4.00 4. 5 50.6 5 239 11.1 15 35 50 30.9 37.3
Riven 4.05 4 3 53.2 5 233 10.7 40 40 80 32 48
Soraka 4.4 4 24 26 5 229 10.4 15 15 30 18.2 22.1
Master Yi 3.867 3 52 67.5 5 222 9.9 20 30 50 38.7 42.5
Amumu 3.95 3 57 61 5 222 9.9 20 50 70 35.4 47
Khazix 4.017 4 1 55.8 5 223 9.9 20 30 50 32.9 38.6
Hecarim 3.783 3 47 74 5 218 9.6 25 55 80 41.8 54.5
Darius 3.8 3 48 72.7 5 216 9.4 20 20 40 41.1 40.7
Wukong 4.067 4 4 51.9 5 196 7.9 20 50 70 29.9 43.3
Teemo 4.733 4 44 0 5 196 7.9 0 0 0 3.9 2.6
Poppy 4.317 4 19 32.4 5 191 7.5 30 30 60 20 33.3
Zyra 4.3 4 18 33.7 5 185 7.1 20 50 70 20.4 36.9
Sejuani 3.767 3 46 75.3 5 154 4.7 15 45 60 40 46.7
Dr Mundo 3.45 3 27 100 5 141 3.8 15 25 40 51.9 47.9
Renekton 3.967 3 58 59.7 5 135 3.3 20 20 40 31.5 34.3
Rengar 4.117 4 7 48 5 132 3.1 20 35 55 25.6 35.4
Rammus 4 4 0 57.1 5 130 2.9 30 30 60 30 40
Fiora 4.283 4 17 35 5 128 2.8 35 35 70 18.9 35.9
Pantheon 4.333 4 20 31.2 5 119 2.1 40 60 100 16.6 44.4
Zed 3.617 3 37 87 5 96 0.4 20 20 40 43.7 42.5
Evelynn 3.967 3 58 59.7 5 94 0.2 25 45 70 30 43.3
Shyvana 3.717 3 43 79.2 5 91 0 10 10 20 39.6 33.1

Sort By Junglebility 1
King Of Jungle = Elise (The best of both world in speed and sustain)
Hero Time completed min sec Jungling speed score pre lvl 4 Health pot used Health left Sustain score pre lvl 4 Pre level 6 gank Post level 6 gank Ganking score Junglebility 1 Junglebility 2
Elise 3.967 3 58 59.7 3 633 63.4 40 40 80 61.5 67.7
Warwick 4.45 4 27 22.1 1 820 100 10 30 40 61 54
Skarner 3.7 3 42 80.5 5 572 36.2 0 20 20 58.4 45.6
Fiddlestick 4.3 4 18 33.7 1 588 82.5 35 35 70 58.1 62.1
Trundle 3.883 3 53 66.2 4 601 49.7 25 25 50 57.9 55.3
Udyr 3.85 3 51 68.8 4 514 43.1 35 35 70 56 60.6
Yorick 4.25 4 15 37.6 3 761 73 15 15 30 55.3 46.9
Shaco 3.967 3 58 59.7 4 574 47.6 35 35 70 53.7 59.1
Dr Mundo 3.45 3 27 100 5 141 3.8 15 25 40 51.9 47.9
Maokai 3.733 3 44 77.9 5 357 20 50 50 100 49 66
Diana 3.967 3 58 59.7 4 439 37.5 10 30 30 48.6 45.7
Noctune 3.783 3 47 74 5 383 22 30 40 70 48 55.3
Nunu 4.433 4 26 23.4 3 746 71.9 15 40 55 47.6 50.1
Sion 4.217 4 13 40.2 4 610 50.3 20 20 40 45.3 43.5
Zed 3.617 3 37 87 5 96 0.4 20 20 40 43.7 42.5
Olaf 3.8 3 48 72.7 5 273 13.7 15 25 40 43.2 42.1
Hecarim 3.783 3 47 74 5 218 9.6 25 55 80 41.8 54.5
Darius 3.8 3 48 72.7 5 216 9.4 20 20 40 41.1 40.7
Sejuani 3.767 3 46 75.3 5 154 4.7 15 45 60 40 46.7
Xin Zhao 4.117 4 7 48 4 360 31.5 50 50 100 39.8 59.9
Shyvana 3.717 3 43 79.2 5 91 0 10 10 20 39.6 33.1
Lee sin 3.883 3 53 66.2 5 257 12.5 35 50 85 39.4 54.6
Alistar 4.217 4 13 40.2 4 451 38.4 35 35 70 39.3 49.5
Tryndamere 4.05 4 3 53.2 5 417 24.5 20 20 40 38.9 39.3
Master Yi 3.867 3 52 67.5 5 222 9.9 20 30 50 38.7 42.5
Nasus 4.317 4 19 32.4 4 454 38.6 15 15 30 35.5 33.7
Amumu 3.95 3 57 61 5 222 9.9 20 50 70 35.4 47
Nautilus 4.2 4 12 41.5 5 471 28.6 40 60 100 35.1 56.7
Gankplank 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 415 24.4 25 50 75 34.3 47.8
Chogath 4.117 4 7 48 5 352 19.6 35 35 70 33.8 45.9
Khazix 4.017 4 1 55.8 5 223 9.9 20 30 50 32.9 38.6
Jarvan IV 4.083 4 5 50.6 5 291 15 40 60 100 32.8 55.2
Riven 4.05 4 3 53.2 5 233 10.7 40 40 80 32 48
Renekton 3.967 3 58 59.7 5 135 3.3 20 20 40 31.5 34.3
Vi 3.967 3 58 50.6 5 239 11.1 15 35 50 30.9 37.3
Rammus 4.00 4 5 57.1 5 130 2.9 30 30 60 30 40
Evelynn 3.967 3 58 59.7 5 94 0.2 25 45 70 30 43.3
Wukong 4.067 4 4 51.9 5 196 7.9 20 50 70 29.9 43.3
Jax 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 267 13.2 40 50 90 28.7 49.1
Malphite 4.167 4 10 44.1 5 241 11.3 15 50 65 27.7 40.1
Volibear 4.483 4 29 19.5 5 550 34.5 45 45 90 27 28
Shen 4.517 4 31 16.9 5 570 36 20 40 60 26.5 37.6
Rengar 4.117 4 7 48 5 132 3.1 20 35 55 25.6 35.4
Malhazar 4.35 4 21 29.9 5 336 18.4 15 35 50 24.1 32.8
Fizz 4.333 4 20 31.2 5 258 12.6 0 35 35 21.9 26.2
Zyra 4.3 4 18 33.7 5 185 7.1 20 50 70 20.4 36.9
Poppy 4.317 4 19 32.4 5 191 7.5 30 30 60 20 33.3
Fiora 4.283 4 17 35 5 128 2.8 35 35 70 18.9 35.9
Taric 4.6 4 36 10.4 5 453 27.2 20 20 40 18.8 25.9
Soraka 4.4 4 24 26 5 229 10.4 15 15 30 18.2 22.1
Pantheon 4.333 4 20 31.2 5 119 2.1 40 60 100 16.6 44.4
Irelia 4.517 4 31 16.9 5 292 15.1 40 40 80 16 37.3
Teemo 4.733 4 44 0 5 196 7.9 0 0 0 3.9 2.6

Sort By Junglebility 2 = Click Here To View

Junglebility 1 = (speed score + sustain score)/2
Junglebility 2 = (speed score + sustain score + ganking score)/3
Jungling clearing speed score = 100-((T-Tmin)/(Tmax-Tmin))*100

Sustain score = ((((5-hpot)*150)+hp)-hpmin)/(hpmax-hpmin))*100

Gap Closing 20
Slow 15
Stun 20
Knockback 15
KnockUp 20
Supress 20
Speed up 10
Fear 20
pull 20
AOE stun 30
taunt 20
silence 15
invisible 15

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