Friday, December 28, 2012

Blade Of The Ruined King Is OP if you want to Solo Baron with 3 items (comparison study included)

Introduction : The above video is a simple comparison study with the use of Master Yi to determine which item give the best advantage on soloing baron.

Method : 2 fully stacked blood thirsters + phantom dancer Vs 1 fully stacked bt + pd Vs 1 fully stacked bt + Infinity edge + blade of the ruined king.
Hero Used : Master Yi

Result : I was able to solo baron with 1 fully stacked bt + phantom dancer + blade of the ruined king. I got executed by baron with the other 2 set of items.

Discussion : Given that Blade Of Ruined King costs lesser than Infinity Edge or Blood Thirster. I foresee a possible nerf (cost / attribute) on BOTRK in the near future.

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