Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dr Mundo Jungle OP Guide (Season 3)

I believe Dr Mundo is the fastest jungler in League Of legends for 2012. I managed to clear the jungle alone in 3:28 mins . Buy Machete's Hunter and 5 health pots and you are set to go. The first skill to learn For Dr Mundo is the burning agony, this skill depletes 10 (lvl 1) hit points of your health and deals AOE magic damage to surrounding creeps. I use 3 greater Quintessence Of Spell Vamps to (6%) to steal some of the health back with my agony spell. The Spell Vamp Rune costs 2050 IP each. So you will need 6150 IP to get 3 spell vamp runes. As shown on the video, you must deactivate the Agony spell as soon as the minor creeps are dead to conserve your health. The second skill to learn is Masochism, it increases your damage substantially for 5 seconds, this is a very important skill to deal focused damage on the buff monster or heroes later on.

Dr Mundo Jungling Route : Wraith -> Red -> Golem -> Wrait -> Wolf -> Blue

Dr Mundo Masteries :

Recommended Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Greater Q of Spell Vamp.

My favorite items for Dr Mundo in S3 are : Ninja Tabi, Spirit of Ancient Golem, Warmog, Spirit Visage & Frozen Heart.

Spirit of Ancient Golem warmog Spirit Visage Frozen Heart

What if I jungle Mundo With 3 X Greater Q Of Armor instead? As shown below, I was at one time having only 26 hit points and almost got killed by blue buff monster. However, I think with appropriate leasing, Jungle without spell vamps is definitely viable.

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