Thursday, December 13, 2012

AP Evelynn Solo Jungle OP Guide (S3)

To jungle as AP evelynn, you need to buy the hunter's machete from the shop for extra damage on minions, get the standard 5 healing pots and forget about cloth armor because it is going to slow your clearing speed and it's going to deplete your pots rapidly.
If you are doing solo, start @ blue first with full HP, then proceed to wolf, then wraith, blue, Golem and back to wraith. You will most likely have a very low HP after clearing the second wave of wraith. This is because almost all AP based heroes have a naturally low armor and attack damage.
Your first 3 level skill sequence is Hate Spike -> Ravage -> Hate Spike.
AP Evelynn Jungler Masteries
AP Evelynn Masteries
Runes : 9x Greater Seal Of Armor, 9x Greater Glyph of MR, 9XGreater Mark Of Magic Pen, 3x Greater Q of Ability Power

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