Monday, December 10, 2012

How To Jungle As Jax @ Season 3? The OP Guide/Tutorial (Solo Mode)

The first skill you need to learn to jungle with Jax is his AOE stun (Counter Strike). Without this skill you would have a hard time jungling as Jax. Jungling path is pretty much the same as other blue dependant heroes. Wolf -> Blue -> Wraith -> Red -> Golem -> Wraith.

Jax jungling clearing time is about 4:05 Mins.

Pre Level 6 Gank - Jax has a very good pre level 6 gank because of his counter strike ability which stuns the enemy champion for a short duration. Press E, Empower(W), Leap Strike(Q) and E again immediately to counter strike your enemy for CC. If you lane partners are competent, you would have a successful pre level 6 gank.

Post Level 6 Gank - Jax post level 6 gank is even stronger than before, you can start the usual combo (EWQE) and then follow by your ultimate - Grandmaster's Might (R) to destroy any overextending noobs or pro players unaware of your presence.

Team Fight - Killing the enemy team's AP or AD carries become your main priority. Only initiate with your counter strike/leap strike combo when you see high damage AP/AD heroes grouping together, exposing themselves on the front line and your team mates are not far behind.

Summoner spells are Flash & Smite

My favorite items for Jungle Jax in season 3 are as follow:

My AD based Jungle Masteries

Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Q of Attack Damage.

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