Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Shyvana OP Solo Jungle Guide (Season 3)

To jungle as Shyvana effectively, buy hunter's machete and start your jungle at the wraith and then red. Shyvana does not use mana for her skills so it's important that you get the red buff first. Having red buff first will ensure that you deal enough damage to clear the remaining neutral creeps without dying. The first skill you need to learn is the Burnout, a skill that deals AOE damage for at least 3 second. At level 2, learn the Twin Bite to deal more focused damage on the creeps.

Jungle route for Shyvana : Wraith -> Red buff -> Golem -> Wraith -> Wolf -> Blue Buff

Shyvana Jungle Masteries

Recommended Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Q of Attack Damage.

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