Sunday, December 30, 2012

Rammus With Super Fast Move Speed ~3.5K Troll Build (Season 3)

Objective = Achieve at least 3K speed with Rammus.

Champion Used : Rammus

Item Used : Youmuu's Ghostblade, 2x Zephyr, Shurelya's Reverie, Homeguard enchanted boot of mobility & Mercurial Scimitar

Ability used : Powerball

Summoner Spell : Revive & Ghost

Additional note : remember to press Y for screen lock.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Killer Alistar OP Jungle Guide/Tutorial (Season 3/S3)

       To jungle as Alistar effectively, you need Pulverize as your first skill because it does the most AOE damage & CC to the creeps. Start your jungling path at the wolf, then proceed to Blue. Ideally, you want to start ganking @ level 2 from behind with headbutt and follow by pulverice, preferably bot lane or top if the enemy overextends even slightly. If the enemy plays turtle you should proceed to clear the rest of the jungle as fast as you can and look for ganking opportunity @ level 4. If you aren't ganking, the second skill you need to learn is Triumpant roar, this skill will increase your sustain in the jungle tremendously. The third skill can be either head butt or pulverice depending on how fast you want to start ganking.

Jungling Route = Wolf -> Blue -> Gank Top Or Bot (Situational but high recommended) -> Wraith -> Red -> Golem -> Wraith

Alistar Pre Level 6 -> After the big nerf on head butt range, Alistar no longer poses the scary "backside" ganking threat as it used to. But he can still deal severe punishment to unsuspecting player who overextends greatly and have poor map awareness due to lack of wards. Gank from behind with headbutt (W), walk towards the dazzled enemy and pulverice (Q) for maximum time of CC. Watch your enemy destroyed by your carry and type /l to laugh.

Alistar Post Level 6 ->The same as pre level 6 except that now you have unbreakable will, and you can now dive the enemy with low health(<50%) under tower from anywhere to secure kill for your carry.

Team fight -> You play as a protector of your carry and also the one who initiates on the enemy team carry(who is fed). Do not waste your combo on enemy's tank or support unless their ad/ap carries are busy farming far away.

3 absolutely important Alistar combo moves you must learn in order to play Alistar well.

Summoner spells are Flash & Smite

My favorite items for jungle Alistar in season 3 are as follow:

Machete, Boot Of mobility, Philostones, Sheen, Spirit Of Ancient Golem, Trinity Force & Frozen Heart.

Alistar Jungle Masteries, I prefer attack damage for easier time on jungling.

Runes : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of scaling attack, 3 X Q of Attack Damage.

The Fastest Master Yi In the Universe (Season 3 item)

Objective = To become the fastest Master Yi in the univese.

Champion Used : Master Yi

Item Used : Youmuu's Ghostblade, 3x Zephyr, Shurelya's Reverie, Homeguard enchanted boot of mobility.

Ability used : Highlander

Summoner Spell : Revive & Ghost

Additional note : remember to press Y for screen look to witness the greatness of the speed of Master Yi.

Nasus Solo Baron @ Level 13 & 16 Mins +

The same items used for Lee Sin Baron Solo = Ninja Tabi, Wriggle & Blade Of The Ruined King. Now beside Lee Sin, we have to be really careful of Nasus getting a BOTRK & Wriggle because he could take down baron alone with these 2 items.

The Cheapest Way To Solo Baron In Season 3 (Lee Sin + Blade Of Ruined King + Wriggle)

Item Used : Ninja Tabi, Blade Of The Ruined King, Wriggle Lantern

Buff = Red & Blue

Skill Used : Safe Guard/Iron Will + Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike. Be sure to do evasive move to prevent as much damage as possible.

Conclusion : Blade Of The Ruined King is indeed OP against Baron. Must watch out for Lee Sin with a Blade Of The Ruined King + Wriggle in normal or ranked game.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Blade Of The Ruined King Is OP if you want to Solo Baron with 3 items (comparison study included)

Introduction : The above video is a simple comparison study with the use of Master Yi to determine which item give the best advantage on soloing baron.

Method : 2 fully stacked blood thirsters + phantom dancer Vs 1 fully stacked bt + pd Vs 1 fully stacked bt + Infinity edge + blade of the ruined king.
Hero Used : Master Yi

Result : I was able to solo baron with 1 fully stacked bt + phantom dancer + blade of the ruined king. I got executed by baron with the other 2 set of items.

Discussion : Given that Blade Of Ruined King costs lesser than Infinity Edge or Blood Thirster. I foresee a possible nerf (cost / attribute) on BOTRK in the near future.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Nasus Solo Baron With 3 Items (Season 3)

Nasus is a beast when it comes to soloing baron due to his OP passive lifesteal ability. Items used for soloing baron are Phantom Dancer, Blood Thirster & Blade Of Ruined King.

Troll Build : Master Yi With Lightning Fast Movement Speed (1500+ MS)

Items bought are homeguard enchanted boot of mobility, shurelya's reverie, 3 x zeals & youmuu's ghostBlade. Trigger the ghost, shurelya and Youmuu unique actives at the same time to bump the moving speed to above 1500+. I managed to reach the middle of the map in 8 sec. I'm pretty sure with speed runes and better gears I could have reached there in 7 seconds or less.

Master Yi is truly the Usain Bolt of League Of Legends,

Monday, December 24, 2012

League Of Legends Junglebility 2

Sort by Junglebility 2
King Of Jungle = Elise

Hero Time completed min sec Jungling speed score pre lvl 4 Health pot used Health left Sustain score pre lvl 4 Pre level 6 gank Post level 6 gank Ganking score Junglebility 1 Junglebility 2
Elise 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 3 633 63.4 40 40 80 61.5 67.7
Maokai 3.733 3.00 44 77.9 5 357 20.0 50 50 100 49.0 66.0
Fiddlestick 4.300 4.00 18 33.7 1 588 82.5 35 35 70 58.1 62.1
Udyr 3.850 3.00 51 68.8 4 514 43.1 35 35 70 56.0 60.6
Xin Zhao 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 4 360 31.5 50 50 100 39.8 59.9
Alistar 4.217 4.00 13 40.2 4 451 38.4 50 50 100 39.3 59.5
Shaco 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 4 574 47.6 35 35 70 53.7 59.1
Nautilus 4.200 4.00 12 41.5 5 471 28.6 40 60 100 35.1 56.7
Noctune 3.783 3.00 47 74.0 5 383 22.0 30 40 70 48.0 55.3
Trundle 3.883 3.00 53 66.2 4 601 49.7 25 25 50 57.9 55.3
Jarvan IV 4.083 4.00 5 50.6 5 291 15.0 40 60 100 32.8 55.2
Lee sin 3.883 3.00 53 66.2 5 257 12.5 35 50 85 39.4 54.6
Hecarim 3.783 3.00 47 74.0 5 218 9.6 25 55 80 41.8 54.5
Warwick 4.450 4.00 27 22.1 1 820 100.0 10 30 40 61.0 54.0
Skarner 3.700 3.00 42 80.5 5 572 36.2 10 30 40 58.4 52.2
Nunu 4.433 4.00 26 23.4 3 746 71.9 15 40 55 47.6 50.1
Jax 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 267 13.2 40 50 90 28.7 49.1
Volibear 4.483 4.00 29 19.5 5 550 34.5 45 45 90 27.0 48.0
Riven 4.050 4.00 3 53.2 5 233 10.7 40 40 80 32.0 48.0
Dr Mundo 3.450 3.00 27 100.0 5 141 3.8 15 25 40 51.9 47.9
Gankplank 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 415 24.4 25 50 75 34.3 47.8
Amumu 3.950 3.00 57 61.0 5 222 9.9 20 50 70 35.4 47.0
Yorick 4.250 4.00 15 37.6 3 761 73.0 15 15 30 55.3 46.9
Sejuani 3.767 3.00 46 75.3 5 154 4.7 15 45 60 40.0 46.7
Chogath 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 5 352 19.6 35 35 70 33.8 45.9
Diana 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 4 439 37.5 10 30 40 48.6 45.7
Pantheon 4.333 4.00 20 31.2 5 119 2.1 40 60 100 16.6 44.4
Sion 4.217 4.00 13 40.2 4 610 50.3 20 20 40 45.3 43.5
Evelynn 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 5 94 0.2 25 45 70 30.0 43.3
Wukong 4.067 4.00 4 51.9 5 196 7.9 20 50 70 29.9 43.3
Zed 3.617 3.00 37 87.0 5 96 0.4 20 20 40 43.7 42.5
Master Yi 3.867 3.00 52 67.5 5 222 9.9 20 30 50 38.7 42.5
Olaf 3.800 3.00 48 72.7 5 273 13.7 15 25 40 43.2 42.1
Darius 3.800 3.00 48 72.7 5 216 9.4 20 20 40 41.1 40.7
Malphite 4.167 4.00 10 44.1 5 241 11.3 15 50 65 27.7 40.1
Rammus 4.000 4.00 0 57.1 5 130 2.9 30 30 60 30.0 40.0
Tryndamere 4.050 4.00 3 53.2 5 417 24.5 20 20 40 38.9 39.3
Khazix 4.017 4.00 1 55.8 5 223 9.9 20 30 50 32.9 38.6
Shen 4.517 4.00 31 16.9 5 570 36.0 20 40 60 26.5 37.6
Irelia 4.517 4.00 31 16.9 5 292 15.1 40 40 80 16.0 37.3
Vi 4.083 4.00 5 50.6 5 239 11.1 15 35 50 30.9 37.3
Zyra 4.300 4.00 18 33.7 5 185 7.1 20 50 70 20.4 36.9
Fiora 4.283 4.00 17 35.0 5 128 2.8 35 35 70 18.9 35.9
Rengar 4.117 4.00 7 48.0 5 132 3.1 20 35 55 25.6 35.4
Renekton 3.967 3.00 58 59.7 5 135 3.3 20 20 40 31.5 34.3
Nasus 4.317 4.00 19 32.4 4 454 38.6 15 15 30 35.5 33.7
Poppy 4.317 4.00 19 32.4 5 191 7.5 30 30 60 20.0 33.3
Shyvana 3.717 3.00 43 79.2 5 91 0.0 10 10 20 39.6 33.1
Malhazar 4.350 4.00 21 29.9 5 336 18.4 15 35 50 24.1 32.8
Fizz 4.333 4.00 20 31.2 5 258 12.6 0 35 35 21.9 26.2
Taric 4.600 4.00 36 10.4 5 453 27.2 20 20 40 18.8 25.9
Soraka 4.400 4.00 24 26.0 5 229 10.4 15 15 30 18.2 22.1
Teemo 4.733 4.00 44 0.0 5 196 7.9 0 0 0 3.9 2.6
Gap Closing 20
Slow 15
Stun 20
Knockback 15
KnockUp 20
Supress 20
Speed up 10
Fear 20
pull 20
AOE stun 30
taunt 20
silence 15
invisible 15