Thursday, January 3, 2013

Spell Vamp Items Viable For Fiddlestick? The OP Analysis

Objective : To study the viability of spell vamp items on Fiddlestick.

Method : To compare the differences in AP Damage/Gold and Life Steal/Gold between 2 sets of AP items.

Set 1 : Rod Of Age, Rabadon Deathcap

Set 2 : Spirit Of The Spectral Wraith, Will Of The Ancient

Data Analysis : Fiddlestick @ lvl 16

Assumption : Fiddlestick ult hits on single target only.

Discussion : Fiddlestick with Set 2 (Spell vamp items) has a clear advantage on life steal/G whereas set 1 (AP items) gives a slight advantage on AP damage/Gold.

Conclusion : Considering how earn it is to earn gold in S3 jungle, 2 Spell vamp items are at least viable for Jungle Fiddlestick because it offers a much better Life Steal/Gold without sacrificing too much AP damage/G. The enemy will also have a harder time killing Fiddlestick in team fight with set 2 items unless he get CC and burst down almost immediately.

Recent (5 v 5 Pre made game) Result with 2 spell vamp items

Fiddlestick Solo Baron with 2 Spell Vamp Items + Abyssal Scepter.

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