Friday, January 11, 2013

Soraka OP Support Guide (S3) For League Of Legends

Soraka is a defensive League Of Legends champion with powerful global & single target healing abilities. Pro player like Scarra Of Dignitas plays Soraka @ mid As AP carry but IMHO she is best played as a support champion to the ADC (Attack Damage Carries) at bottom lane. Unlike most support heroes (IE : Sona, Blitz, Leano & Nunu), Soraka is a very passive champion which suits MOBA players with strong defensive mindset. Your objective for playing Soraka is to be a protector for your ADC/AP carries and heal them at the right moment in any types of skirmishes or organized team fight.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : W (Astral Blessing). Heal your AD/AP carries and Give them armor boost whenever they are low in HP.

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : E (Infuse) (Finish this by level 13 to reduce the cool down.)

Tertiary skill : Q (Starcall) (last to upgrade)

Ultimate : R (Wish) (A powerful global healing spell, upgrade this at level 6, level 11 and 16)

My preferred summoner spells for Soraka are Flash & Heal. I pick heal (over exhaust) to amplify the healing prowess of Soraka during laning phase and team fight.

Soraka's Strategy During Laning Phase : Soraka (with support items) does not have strong CC (Crowd Control) skills and high burst AP damage output (compared to others) so it is best to play her passively and defensively. Most of the time, you want to stay behind your ADC and try to avoid any damage inflicted by the enemies so that you do not waste your Astral Blessing (E) to heal yourself. You can try to harass the enemy ADC when you have clear vision of surrounding area and their support is back to the base. After you hit level 6, you must always look out for any skirmishes fought with mini map and press R (Wish) to heal your dying team mates globally. Pop your W, R and Heal summoner spell when your ADC get caught by a good combo and is low in HP. Be a useful spy drone for your team, ward up the dragon area, tribush & enemy bush to prevent any possible gank by the enemy jungler. A well placed ward can sometimes turn the tide of a bad game.

Soraka's Strategy During Late Game/Team fight Phase : Be the protector of your ADC/AP/Bruiser that deals significant damage. Do not waste your precious abilities to heal a friendly tank in low HP. Put your healing priority on ADC >> Bruiser = AP >>Yourself. Do not expose yourself on the front line, because if you are caught first during the team fight, You will be mostly killed instantly without having the chance to use any of your healing abilities to help your teammates in need. Ward up important areas such as entry points, baron, dragon, blue & red. Use your infuse ability to silence the enemy AP skills(Ie : Katarina / Nunu Ult) when necessary.

My favorite items during laning phase/early game are Sight ward, vision ward, Sightstone, Philostone & Boot Of Speed.

My favorite items during mid game are Ionian boot of lucidity, Shurelya's Reverie & Ruby Sightstone (upgraded from sightstone). Ruby sightstone gives you the ability to place at least 3 invisible wards for 3 minutes.

My favorite items during late game are Ionian boot of lucidity, Shurelya's Reverie, Runic Bulwark, Abyssal Scepter (super late game) & Oracle Elixir. Remember to use your Oracle Elixir to remove wards from the Baron area, river & bush. Ward key areas (ie :Baron, entry point) with Ruby sightstone or sight ward.

My Soraka Masteries is 0/2/28 :

Runes : 9 X Greater Mark Of Magic Penetration, Greater Seal of Mana regeneration, 9 x Greater Glyph of scaling cool down reduction, 3x Great Quint of ability power.

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