Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rammus OP Jungle Guide For League Of Legends (S3)

Rammus, is a powerful tank based jungler with a strong/borderline OP ability to taunt the enemy for as long as 3 seconds. Rammus has acceptable clear speed, sustainability and an awesome ganking potential pre level 6. With his speedy Powerball ability, you can Q and roam the entire map in high speed even though you are a turtle who is supposed to move & act slowly. Rammus is a dedicated jungle specialist, meaning to say that he is not suitable for any lane except jungle. Your primary goal of playing Rammus is to taunt the enemy carries (AD/AP) whenever possible and secure kill for your team.

Rammus Jungling Route = Wolf -> Blue -> (Look for ganking opportunity in bot > Mid -> Top with your powerball and taunt) -> Wraith -> Red -> (Gank Again if not low in pots and Hp) -> Golem -> Wraith -> Base -> Gank again at level 4 with red.

Primary Skill To Upgrade : W (Puncturing Taunt). Your bread and butter to taunt the enemy carry to attack your hardened shell with spike. I prefer to finish this by level 9

Secondary Skill To Upgrade : W (Defensive CurlBall) (Learn this to reflect damage deal to that enemy (including creeps) that attacks you, finish this by level 13 to enhance your damage output)

Tertiary skill : Q(Powerball) (I usually up 1 level of powerball at level 1 for its superb mobility and stop upgrading it until I hit level 14)

Ultimate : R (Tremor) (A powerful AOE AP ability that can damage surrounding enemies and tower. Learn this at level 6, level 11 and 16)

Rammus Pre Level 6 : Rammus is one of the few junglers (Ie : XZ, Lee sin, etc) who does really well in Level 2 gank. To take advantage of his early ganking prowess, you must first learn Powerball & puncturing taunt by level 2. As you move nearer to the bush (@ top, mid or bot). Initiate with your powerball (Q) and ram towards your victim at full speed, taunt him with W and hope that your teammate will secure the kill. Once you have acquired Defensive curlball @ level 3, your ganking potential increases by 2 fold as this little ability reflects damage and increase your armor & Magic resistance tremendously. Your full combo for wrecking the enemy in high speed is Q, E, W & Auto attack. Creeps will stop your powerball movement so be sure to move the turtle around the creeps and then hit your intended target.

Rammus Post Level 6 : With Tremor At level 6, Rammus becomes a menace not just to the enemy carries but to the tower as well. The combo sequence for Rammus is Q, E, W & Auto attack + R (Tremor). The initiation process is the same as pre level 6 except that you R immediately after triggering your defensive curlball (E). You can also use Tremor & AA to take down tower with ease when the enemy heroes aren't around the tower or be killed.

Team Fight : In organized team fight, your primary goal is to look for opportunity to taunt the enemy carry (AD/AP) so that your carries can follow up and kill him/her. To further increase Rammus mobility in chasing the enemy carries, I prefer buying Shurelya's Reverie as my second items as it gives 40% increase in move speed upon activation. You can also use your puncturing taunt as defensive move in team fight when your carries were initiated by the enemy bruiser or initiator.

Watch Rammus OP Jungle/Ganking Montage

Summoner spells are the standard Flash & Smite

My favorite items for Rammus (Jungle) in season 3 are as follow:

Ninja Tabi, Shurelya's Reverie, Spirit of Ancient Golem, Sunfire Cap, Taunt Mail, Banshee Shield.

Spirit of Ancient Golem

Vs Heavy True Damage Team (Darius, Cho Gath, etc) : Consider Warmog To replace Sunfire Cap and get it as early as you can to unleash the full potential of this powerful HP boosting item.


Vs Heavy AP team : Consider Spirit Visage to replace Sunfire cap.

Spirit Visage

Rammus Jungle Masteries

My Favorite Runes For Rammus : 9 X Greater Seal Of Armor, 9 X Greater Seal Of MR, 9 Greater Mark of Armor, 3 X Q of Armor.

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