Monday, July 22, 2013

The Best ADC/Marksman In LoL (Analysis) - Aatrox Patch - League Of Draven?

Method : Obtain the winning rate & total game plays from Duration : Past 30 days from 23 July 2013. Sort using spreadsheet to figure out the best ADC/Markman

Analysis :

1)Ezreal, Vayne & Caitlyn are the top 3 most popular ADC/Markman in League Of Legends.

2)Draven remains the most OP ADC/Markman in league of legends with a winning rate of 53.87% in ranked game. Draven appears to perform even better in higher level play, achieving a high winning rate of 55.18% in Diamond Tier.

Diamond Winning Rate

3)Ezreal is the most popular ADC in league of legends. Despite his popularity, Ezreal underperforms in both ranked and unranked with a winning rate of 47%. His slightly poorer DPS in late game could be the main reason.

Conclusion : League Of Draven is no joke.

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