Thursday, July 18, 2013

Doublelift Vayne Build For LCS (S3) - League Of Legends

Doublelift is well known for his amazing mechanic with Vayne. In the above video, Doublelift shows his amazing skill with Vayne in surviving four men dive and scores a triple kill in the process. The below guide shows the favorite build Doublelift uses in NA LCS games (2013).

Doublelift's core build for competitive game (LCS) is as follow:

Early Game : Doran Blade

Mid Game Core Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves & Last Whisperer

Late Game Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves, Guardian Angel & Infinity Edge

Banshee Shield, Quicksilver Sash or Warmorg are 3 defensive items Doublelift uses in competitive games to replace Guardian Angel.

His favorite summoner spells for Vayne is Flash & Barrier.

His most active ADC masteries as of July 2013 is 21/1/8.

His favorite runes is 3 Greater Q of Life Steal, 9 x Greater M Of Attack Damage, 9 X Greater S of Armor, 9 X Great G Of Magic Resist.

Highlights of Doublelift Vayne in action VS Curse during LCS Summer Split 2013.

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