Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Best Mid AP Hero For League Of Legends (Statistic) - Aatrox Patch

Method : Obtain the winning rate & total game plays of LoL AP based heroes from Duration : Past 30 days from 25 July 2013.

Analysis :

1)Lux is the most popular AP hero in League Of Legends.

2)Kassadin has the highest winning rate in both ranked (52.8%) and normal (52.76%) game. His higher than average winning rate can be explained by his high mobility and high burst damage once it reaches level 6. The same explanation also applies on Ahri (3rd place)

3)Twisted Fate, Rumble & Ryze appear to perform much better in ranked game with better skilled players than in normal game.

4)Leblanc, Syndra and Karma are the bottom 3 worst AP champions with a winning rate of less than 45% in ranked game. These 3 champions may not be ideal for competitive play.

Conclusion : The top 3 lol AP champions for mid lane are Kassadin, Kayle & Ahri. (Aatrox Patch)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Xpeke Lissandra Build/Guide - League Of Legends

Xpeke from Fnatic is one of the best (if not the best) mid lane players in Europe. He is famed for his skill, intelligence and backdooring ability. The word "xpeke" was created for his amazing backdooring play at IEM event. Xpeke build for Lissandra @ mid lane in LCS competitive game is as follow.

Early Game @ Mid Lane : Doran Ring + Health Pot

Mid Game Build : Doran Ring, Zhongya Hourglass, Mercury Thread. Xpeke prefers to rush Zhongya Hourglass so that he can be the one who initiates in teamfight.

Late Game Build : Mercury Thread (+Homeguard), Doran Ring, Zhongya Hourglass, Rabadon Deathcap & Void staff. Xpeke prefers to maximize damage as the game progresses to late game.

His most active masteries for AP mid lane heroes

Xpeke favorite runes for AP mid (Lissandra) : Greater Q Of Ability Power X 3, Great G Of Scaling Ability Power X 5, Greater G of Ability Power x 4, Greater Seal Of Scaling Ability Power x 9, Greater Mark Of Ability Power X 9.

Another Xpeke Lissandra Game where he faces 2 (ADC + SP) at top lane. In this game, he focuses on sustainability by buying mana regen item, health pot and mana pot in the early laning phase.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Best ADC/Marksman In LoL (Analysis) - Aatrox Patch - League Of Draven?

Method : Obtain the winning rate & total game plays from Duration : Past 30 days from 23 July 2013. Sort using spreadsheet to figure out the best ADC/Markman

Analysis :

1)Ezreal, Vayne & Caitlyn are the top 3 most popular ADC/Markman in League Of Legends.

2)Draven remains the most OP ADC/Markman in league of legends with a winning rate of 53.87% in ranked game. Draven appears to perform even better in higher level play, achieving a high winning rate of 55.18% in Diamond Tier.

Diamond Winning Rate

3)Ezreal is the most popular ADC in league of legends. Despite his popularity, Ezreal underperforms in both ranked and unranked with a winning rate of 47%. His slightly poorer DPS in late game could be the main reason.

Conclusion : League Of Draven is no joke.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

League of Legends Wallpapers

I haven't posted here in a while, but I've recently collected a few very nice League wallpapers. If you like to rotate your background or just like pretty pictures in general, here's a few awesome desktop images for all you League of Legends addicts. Myself included. I think the Miss Fortune wallpaper is especially well done.

I don't see Brand played a lot at the moment, he's still awesome.

I didn't bother taking the time to count them all, but I'm guessing one or two might be missing.

I can't tell if this one has more champions than the last League wallpaper, but it seems to.

I'm sure I've posted this one before.

Doesn't she look pretty. Her breasts are actually normal size for once too.

The Best Support Hero In LoL (Analysis/Statistic) - Aatrox Patch

the best support champion in LoL

Method : Gather the winning rate of unranked and all tiers from . Calculate the ranked winning rate using data from all tiers and unranked. Duration : Past 30 days from 21 July 2013.

Analysis :

1) Janna remains the top support champion in LoL with a 54.92% winning rate in Ranked Game. Sona is the second best with 52.78% and Zyra is the third with 52.14%.

2) Alistar continues to perform horribly as support with a 43.43% winning rate in ranked game. Perhaps it's time for Riot to give some love to our beloved cow.

3) The top 3 most use support champions in both ranked & unranked are Leona, Blitzcrank & Thresh.

4) Nunu is not listed as top 3 support because he is played mostly as a jungler now due to the recent buff on his jungling ability.

Conclusion : The top five support champions for Aatrox patch are Janna, Sona, Zyra, Thresh & Nami.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Doublelift Vayne Build For LCS (S3) - League Of Legends

Doublelift is well known for his amazing mechanic with Vayne. In the above video, Doublelift shows his amazing skill with Vayne in surviving four men dive and scores a triple kill in the process. The below guide shows the favorite build Doublelift uses in NA LCS games (2013).

Doublelift's core build for competitive game (LCS) is as follow:

Early Game : Doran Blade

Mid Game Core Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves & Last Whisperer

Late Game Items : Blood Thirster, Phantom Dancer, Berserker's Greaves, Guardian Angel & Infinity Edge

Banshee Shield, Quicksilver Sash or Warmorg are 3 defensive items Doublelift uses in competitive games to replace Guardian Angel.

His favorite summoner spells for Vayne is Flash & Barrier.

His most active ADC masteries as of July 2013 is 21/1/8.

His favorite runes is 3 Greater Q of Life Steal, 9 x Greater M Of Attack Damage, 9 X Greater S of Armor, 9 X Great G Of Magic Resist.

Highlights of Doublelift Vayne in action VS Curse during LCS Summer Split 2013.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Questions and Answers: Vi Matchups

Every now and again I browse the Guides and New players section on the League of Legends forums. If I find a question that I am suited to answer fairly well, I try to help out the poster by giving my 2 cents. This is a transcript of the original post and my reply.

Question: I main Vi, and sometimes going top is the only or best option. But there's champs I struggle against such as.

Renekton, everyone's favorite gator, I usually beat him Pre 6, after 6 I'm screwed unless I have a jungler with lots of cc. I usually start Cloth, 4 hp pots and 1 mana pot
Darius, can't beat this guy 1v1 pre 6, after 6 can't out dunk him lol I always start red elixir against him.
Singed, I know not to chase, but dat fling. It hurts :s I always start 5 hp pots, 3 wards, 1 mana pot.
Wukong. Went against him once. I never want it to happen again, not sure if it was cause he was smart, (engaging while my passive was down etc.) I started cloth 5

Tips for these matchups are very appreciated

Answer: Renek is just a monster and you won't be able to beat a good one consistently. If you're sure you can outplay and kill him pre-6, you're going to need that kill early on just to survive later. I'd just try to mitigate the damage in this lane by hunkering down and farming, and try to keep Renekton in the lane as long as possible. If you can sneak off for a gank when you have an ulti do it. But always keep an eye on Renekton, because he can ruin the **** out of other lanes if you let him run unchecked.

Darius is super scary for any laner because instead of punishing your mistakes by making you lose CS or being outtraded, you are rewarded with a free trip back to base. My favored tactic to beat Darius is really simple. Start with cloth armor and 5 pots, and farm defensively until i can afford a Giants belt and chainmail. Once you have these two it's virtually impossible for him to beat you in a trade, and if you can buy some more health pots you can outsustain him and eventually land a kill.

This isn't a perfect strategy for Darius, because if you play Vi masterfully I'm pretty sure you can kill him a couple of times early and build a vamp scepter instead. I just prefer to play it safe, because he's still a monster even with the ult nerf. Just know that you don't have to lose to Darius in the lane, you can just make it a stalemate.

Singed is just gay. I honestly try as hard as I can to get a solid trade on him between levels 1-10, because if you don't stop him before then he usually becomes exponentially harder to kill and you'll just end up dying. If you can land your full combo and avoid a good amount of poison you should win.

is potentially the worst of all match ups. If he's poking you and escaping every time you can try 2 things: Whack down a vision ward to catch him in invisibility, or charge your Q as soon as he uses his fake so you can slap him when he becomes visible. This is another lane that you can win by landing a couple of good combos early. If you wait too long, Wukong will happily harass you down all day.

The only other advice I can give you for Vi at top is spam the bushes to charge your Q, they will predict you're going to charge at them but they will find it much harder to dodge you. If you can't win your lane just freeze it and farm, and if the opponent decides to pull it and zone you out just gank mid or counterjungle.

I play a hell of a lot of Vi but I prefer her jungle. She's a solid choice for top but without a blue it can be frustrating to keep powerhousing the lane. Hopefully this advice provided you with a few ideas and helps a bit, good luck!

If you have any input or think you have better advice, post a comment and let us know!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

So ARAM is finally something you can queue for, Howling Abyss!

I've been playing ARAM's whenever I was sick of normal matches for at least a year now. After my short break from LoL I'm happy to come back and see that All Random All Middle is an actual game mode. Riot even gave it a little backstory and a name; Howling Abyss. It's a great way to blow off some steam, and can still be incredibly fun even if you lose.

Ooh doesn't it look pretty.

Having fun whilst losing is something that is hard to achieve in the MOBA genre, which is why Riot decided to cut out some of the harsher penalties that initially came from DotA. That's why ARAM is so refreshing. You don't have to obsess over team composition, which can frequently tear apart people in champion select. You can get a team that is too good to lose, or you can get crushed so hard you can't leave the tower for the entire game. Most of the time it's somewhere in the middle. Regardless, it's out of your hands so you don't have to rage or worry about it.

Despite this, all random can become frustrating if you spam it too much. When you get an awful team multiple times in a row, it's not fun at all. Riot were on the ball making ARAM a match that you can queue for. The Matchmaking takes mere seconds to pop, you never have to wait long.

I got Orianna today, which was lucky. She's lethal on ARAM.

ARAM has become so popular, some individuals have even started to create accounts purely to get the best champion pool to win matches. If you fill your selection with champions like Mundo, Nidalee, and Ziggs; you will always be able to pick up a bunch of kills before you die. I think making an entirely new account just to win ARAM is a little pathetic, but if you spend most of your time playing them then it's probably a good idea.

Now we have Dominion and Howling Abyss to play! So Where's Magma Chamber?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The differences between DotA 2 and LoL

Which is better? Defence of the Ancients 2 or League of Legends? This debate is one I've seen countless times, and it's a complete waste of time. Once in a while someone who isn't out to pick an argument points out that the best MOBA game is the one that you enjoy the most. No truer words have ever been spoken. Preference dictates to you and your friends which game is better.

I think the DotA 2 pregame screen is much better.

DotA is unquestionably harder to play than LoL, for numerous reasons. However, LoL does have many qualities that require a good amount of gamer skill and experience to succeed. At high levels of meta play, both titles are unique and challenging. While both games take place on the similar maps with the same goal and route to get there, with some experience you will see they are on opposite ends of the spectrum.

That's not to say this UI isn't aesthetic and pretty.

If you're trying to decide which game is flat out better, you're in the wrong place. This article will outline how both DotA and LoL aren't the same game. If you're curious to find out exactly what separates these two addictive MOBA titles, you're in the right place. People who want to know which game would suit them better, take a look at this list and see if it narrows your choice down.

Differences between DotA 2 and League of Legends

- Runes and Masteries. On LoL, you can customize your champion before the game even starts. With runes and masteries, you can make characters tankier, faster, or hit harder. On DotA, you cannot do anything to adjust your champion before the match begins.
- Passives. LoL champions essentially have 5 abilities. 4 spells to use, and one passive. Most characters on DotA only have 4 abilities, so if they have a passive it will take up a slot.
- Attack animations and last hits. DotA is much harder to last hit. Not only do you have a slow animation to hit minions, but you also have to deny your own creeps. Put it this way: I was getting 5-6 minions every wave on LoL, but when I started DotA, I was proud to get 1-2 last hits each wave.
- Length of the laning phase. In my experience, LoL has a short early game. It's common for somebody to leave their lane at level 3-5. DotA's laning phase extends beyond the 20 minute mark in most matches, because the items are more expensive.
- Active items. DotA has countless items that you can use in combat. Every character you play will use at least one active item. LoL only has a couple of items you can use, such as Gunblade or Ghostblade.
- Summoner spells. There aren't any summoner spells on DotA, which is actually kinda cool. You don't have to worry about people flashing away when you gank them, or igniting you in a close 1v1.
- Brutal Punishments. If you die on DotA, you lose gold. There's no recall to teleport back to base. On LoL, most of the harsh punishments have been removed for a more fun experience. Personally, I like the vindictive loss of gold when you die, and having to buy teleport scrolls to get around.
- Ability Power. When playing a caster champion on LoL, ability power is vital to increasing your damage output. DotA doesn't have ability power. There's nothing to increase the damage of your spells. The closest thing is refresher orb, which resets all of your cooldowns.
- Jungling. In the current meta on LoL, a jungler is necessary. You will rarely play a match without someone in the jungle, because it's a very important role. DotA doesn't require a jungler. Most of the time, you will have 2 people in both of the sidelanes, and it doesn't ruin the match.
- Character availability. When you create an account on LoL, you can only play several select champions until you earn the points to buy more. Playing DotA immediately gives you access to every hero, without exceptions.
- Minimap placement. On LoL, the minimap is on the right side and out of the way. DotA has it on the left, which is bad placement. Whenever you're playing on the radiant team, moving your mouse to the bottom left to escape in a dangerous situation can lead to a missclick on the map, sending you running straight back towards your enemies resulting in death.
- Terrain. There are small differences to the maps, LoL has bushy areas that make inhabitants invisible to the outside eye. DotA has 'juke' points and secret passages between the trees to escape.
- Community. As a general rule, the community of DotA 2 is more elitist. However, the LoL crowd is far more ruthless and spiteful. Both sides have their ups and downs. I can't say which one is better, that's for you to decide. Also, DotA has voice chat ingame.

I'm not entirely sure I've managed to list everything. If you have something to add, please comment! Remember, I am trying not to be biased against either League of Legends or Defence of the Ancients. Sorry if I leaned towards one.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Doublelift Ezreal Build - League Of Legends

Doublelift is one of the best ADC in the world for league of legends game. Doublelift preferred core items for Ezreal are as follow.

Berserker's Greaves, Trinity Force, Last Whisperer, Blood thirstier (Weixiao used BOTRK sometimes) , Infinity Edge

Depending on enemy team comp, his last defensive item is either Guardian Angel, Banshee Shield Or Mercurial Scimitar (Built from Quick Silver Sash)

His most active AD masteries is 21/0/9 with biscuit.

His most actively used runepage consists of 3 GQ of Attack Damage, 9 X GG of Magic Resist, 9 X GS of Armor, 9 X GM Of Armor Pen.

Reference :

Doublelift exceptional mechanical skill