Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sony Vegas or Adobe Premier and a Rant

So I'm trying to decide which editing software to use, I have enough experience to use both Premier and Vegas.

So far, I have recorded a couple of games, although only one of them was good enough for footage. Fraps is excellent software for recording LoL games, but it cannot compress as it works, hence a 30 minute game equals a whopping 30 gigabytes of your hardrive space.

Today, I'm going to be ranting a little about League of Legends, because I'm upset the forums aren't full of people putting Riot in their place anymore.

I found this epic comic. Even though it's entirely fictional, it only furthers my impression of Riots incompetence.

 Don't get me wrong guys I love League of Legends, but since World of Warcraft came out, I've had a critical eye for any problems dealt with badly in a game. Riot can't seem to do anything right anymore, from the rushed out tribunal to their pathetic E3 performance.

Riot are the kind of company who should be busking copies of their game on the street outside E3, they shouldn't be allowed inside. Looks like they put a lot of effort into the video too, not that it does much good.

Spectator mode? I'd rather use fraps than Riots shitty coding, thanks. They also introduce 3 new champions, probably because they are still guilty about magma chamber and their dozens of other promises.

So today I've been overly insulting towards Riot, but in my eyes, they got extraordinarily lucky with their game, and the only thing keeping League afloat is the fact that it's retard friendly. Ever met a high elo player who wasn't pissed off at the game for some reason? No. Because all the good players know the game is flawed.

I want to know what happened to the $400 million that tencent spent on Riot, because their production values haven't increased that much.

As you leave my blog today, you need to ask yourself a very important question. Where is the content we were promised months ago? Where is that money you spent on RP going to? Why have Tencent (now majority stakeholders) not told Riot to stop being douchebags?

Ask yourself these questions, because I sure as hell don't know the answer.

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