Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Finally back on track

It's been a long time coming, but I've managed to get my video editing software working flawlessly. I've also now got my hands on the EU client for LoL, so I can play on both EU/US. Not only that, Riot have announced the season one winners, TEAM FNATICMSI.

TEAM FNATICMSI managed to win a whopping $50,000 prize, the lucky buggers. Good thing it's only $10,000 each between them eh? And with that, season one of League of Legends is over. What does that mean, you ask? Nothing, except now it's season two.

If you are interested in playing with me (really?), search Serenity blogs on facebook and post your summoner name and which client you play. I'll add you and we'll do a game sometime. Beware on the EU though, I have barely any characters yet.

I've been rendering my footage for the last few days, and collecting tidbits too. I don't really know whether to record the voices of whom I'm playing with on skype, or just to cut audio entirely and replace it with some nice music =P If you have suggestions, please comment, because I love reading every comment here, and I love deleting the flamers too. So you can't go wrong.

In the meantime while I produce a video, I thought I'd provide you with some comics and a video:

If you're interested in more League comics, here are links:
More comics 1
More comics 2
More comics 3
More comics 4
More comics 5
More comics 6

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