Saturday, November 3, 2012

We need poll votes!

I've been collecting data since the beginning of this site. Eventually, in a few months I'll be posting the results for everyone to see what kind of statistics we have.

I've been asking general questions about League of Legends, such as how often people play dominion. The answers so far have shed some light on a few questions I've had. So far this site has had a lot of reception and I hope to keep it that way.

Recently we've been having an issue with the system, and none of the votes are registering properly. I'm working on getting it fixed, so bear with me. I'm not a genius coder; or even a coder at all. I'm just a guy who loves playing games. I feel writing about them is a rewarding way to spend my time.

The polls are on the top right of the blog, so if you enjoy my content; cement your appreciation by taking the time to vote! Thank you to all the voters so far.

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