Monday, September 12, 2011

League of Legends Wallpapers

Hey everyone, I know it's been a long time since my last post, but I've been busy (poor excuse I know). However, I'd like to get back into the routine of releasing new content every couple of days again.

Starting off with wallpapers is a lazy move, but it gives me time to prepare a nice interesting post for you guys!

I also found a pretty picture with most of the champions on it (credit not to me, give it to google that's where I found it). Whoever must have persevered to get all these on one image!

Chinese Janna looks exactly the same as the new tooltip in champion selection. That's cool.

Chinese Nasus decided to try to summon a crow with his swain pose. Sadly, it wasn't quite enough and his only return was green glowy stuff.

And finally for today, a little Teemo strolling through the jungle!

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