Wednesday, August 24, 2011

New League of Legends comics

It's been a while since I posted any League comics, or posted at all! But I have brought some pretty epic ones for your pleasure today! I thought a couple of them were hilarious. I've been saving pictures for a while now, so you should find a couple to make you laugh.

Sadly, I haven't managed to locate any Talon ones yet - I'm sure there will be some soon. Deal with it!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Riot more than contends with DotA 2 by upping the stakes

So everyone was a little flabbergasted by Valve when they announced DotA 2 would be hosting a one million dollar tournament during beta. We all heard a lot of propaganda that said LoL would be killed by the newest moba on the scene. We all also know that the $1 million is merely a means to challenge Riot and their throne on the freemium market (free to play).

So when Riot announced their ridiculous prize pool of $5 million for season 2, anyone with a brain can figure out it's a direct tit for tat exchange between the two companies. In other words, it's heating up folks!

The only thing that could satisfy me more than this battle between Multiplayer online battle arenas would be watching Phreak and Icefrog beating eachother down IRL in the mud. I'd pay to watch that shit.

Anyway, please bear in mind while the season 2 prize pool is 5 mil, that means for the duration of the entire season. Whereas Valve's prize of one million is spread over a single tournament. Which is what led me to believe this is just a "we're better than you" move.

To everyone who plays DotA or LoL, who do you think is going to win? And how much would you pay to see this entire contest put down and resolved with a man to man between Phreak and Icefrog?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Byakuya's friendly guide to common etiquette on LoL

If someone linked or directed you to this post, it's for a reason. You need to learn some manners in League of Legends, you tosser. If you want to look at the nice images that accompany this guide, you don't deserve them so stop looking and read.

There is at least one troll in every game of League of Legends, that is a fact. If you try to dispute that, then clearly you are said troll and should either read the guide or get the fuck off this blog. Anyway, most of the time a troll/argumentative douchebag wants to win the game, but doesn't have the means to achieve the victory - which is where flaming the rest of the team comes in, because we all know that helps.

So this short tutorial here is going to teach you how to stop being a such an idiot. Arguing with your team in a match is obviously only going to demotivate your team and ruin your chances. Hurr durr. So if you want to win, you should either shut your blasphemous mouth altogether or learn to diffuse volatile conversations. Here are a list of tips you should bear in mind when playing a game:

- In the picking phase don't pick and lock in straight away, otherwise most of your team will already hate you. It's a good idea to ask what everyone is going to play, and mention your own choice before you select it.

- Insulting or raging at anyone on your team is not polite. Nor will it do anything other than contribute to your loss. If you want to say something, give advice and suggest what the player should do next time instead of calling them a retard.

- If someone is being nasty to you, you can either take the moral high ground and ignore or be nice to them, or go roll in the dirt alongside them by arguing back. I have no issue with anyone who fights back if their team is picking on them, but bear in mind your towers will be pushed while you squabble away.

- If the enemy team if harassing you verbally, there's really no problem with trashtalking back. If you make them mad enough, they will be furiously typing on the keyboards while you casually do some "Go where you want, do what you like". Just don't use too many swearwords, and DON'T let it disrupt your laning/farming.

- You shouldn't always say GG at the end of a round. Only say it if you truly believe it was a contested match that both sides had a chance of winning. It's like an insult if you say good game to the team you just stomped because they had a leaver and a feeder.

- Caps lock is cruise control for cool, not etiquette. Leave it off.

- Stealing kills is stupid unless you're a carry or underfed. Try to avoid it, you won't be the first team to fall apart because of a KS.

Everything written here is very simple stuff. It doesn't take a genius to realise you are 1/5 of your team and that means you should pull your weight and not be a douche. I'm not saying trolling games is wrong, since I do it every now and again. But for those people who do it every game, take this guide to heart or just uninstall. Do everyone a favour, go on.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I'm upset with Riot games today.

Does anyone else think the trailer looks rushed? Not only that, this dominion mode is NOT what I was looking for in the game. It just looks lacklustre and pathetic. I mean what's even going on there?

I guess we'll see when it finally comes out, but I won't be trying the dominion mode until I hear about it from someone else.

This is a sad day for League of Legends, and therefore the world.

Monday, August 1, 2011

HoN going free to play

So S2 games have recently announced they are making Heroes of Newerth free to play. My first musing on this was the fact that all the people who have paid for HoN previously have now been royally screwed over. Unlucky guys. Anyone with a brain can see that this change is because of the success of League of Legends.

Plenty of games have recently taken up the f2p chalice, including popular Team Fortress 2. Hopefully this will pave the way to a new era of gaming; where the high production value games are fun and free.

Anyway, I played Heroes of Newerth back in beta and quit when it went pay to play. It was a good game, but far less casual and more elitist than LoL, which is another contributing factor to its lack of audience. However, I think the main reason this game is losing the battle against it's rival is simply because LoL started out as free to play, which is a major incentive towards playing a game.

What surprises me is the incredible amount of new MOBA games that have recently been put into production. Sure the market is rife with players, but they are all taken by the three titans already out - LoL, DotA, and HoN.

As a conclusion I would like to point out that although HoN developers may seem desperate, they do have something special. It's just not as good as League of Legends for several reasons, the playerbase being the most prominent.