Thursday, February 17, 2011

Maokai spotlight

All past grievances aside, I bring to you today the Maokai spotlight. I've already played a few games laning with him, as my friend tests him out. So far, he seems incredibly useful. Not only does he have uses in the lane with his stun and harassing; his ulti can really benefit you in a team fight too. Take a look at the spotlight if you want to understand more about him.

It's a good idea to watch it, even if it's only so you can understand how to fight against him.

Bear in mind every spotlight makes champions look overpowered, so don't start complaining until you've played him. All I can say so far, is he seems to have excellent synergy with Xin Zhao. Me and my friend have managed to carry several pub games to victory, probably because nobody understands how to fight him yet.

I dislike the fact he has a heal for lane staying power, because it's hard to send him back. 

Anyway, I know this post is a little filler, it's because I'm waiting for the recipient of my next interview. Should be back to normal tomorrow guys, so this is until then.

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